It's Episode 100! As Don't Forget a Towel is starting it's journey into Phase 7, Chris and Casey look back over the past 6 years at how they got to where they are now and what the future holds. Oh, and there's some geekly news thrown in for good measure!
Site Notes:
DFAT Past, Present, and Future
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You can also check out our other great podcasts: Gourmet Scum Radio, and the Pursuit of Plastic. If you wanna interact with us you can follow @dfatowel on Twitter and Instagram.Thanks for listening and Don’t Forget a Towel!
*Editor's Note: We recorded this episode a week ago on Godzilla Day. We will return to the studio in December before our winter break!...
Chris and Casey are hit with a deluge of geekiness that they couldn't help but share with you Towelites. This episode is filled with...
Casey got reunited with his old friends from Those Geeks You Know, Dave and Bob. They wanted to chat about the 2020 of comic...