Chris and Casey go completely EXTREME in the latest episode of the podcast. You will not even believe your ear canals as they gush out geekly goodness! Taste it!
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You can also check out our other great podcasts: Gourmet Scum Radio, and the Pursuit of Plastic. If you wanna interact with us you can follow @dfatowel on Twitter and Instagram.Thanks for listening and Don't Forget a Towel!
The cop kept asking Chris about the turtle on its back and it was getting a little annoying. So he got up and left...
Welcome friends to the Toweliteverse of Madness! Chris and Casey had no idea what the ramifications would be when they opened that portal to...
Chris and Casey go through a bevy of geeky news the likes you've never heard! Han Solo, John Wick, Brian Michael Bendis and so...