It seems like its been FOREVER since we did a Pursuit of Plastic episode, but in fact it's only been a couple of days. That's mostly because this is the 2nd part to our two-part coverage of Toy Fair 2019. Chris and Casey break down the rest of what was on display and it's even better to hear it than see it right?
Super 7
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If you wanna interact with us you can follow @dfatowel on Twitter and Instagram.Thanks for listening and Don’t Forget a Towel!
Chris and Casey discuss their love of Star Wars and how it's shaped their friendship.
WHOA and just like that 2019 is in the books!!! WHAT A YEAR TO BE A GEEK!! The end of the MCU 10 year...
Casey and Chris had to catch up on a ton of Geekly news along with share their thoughts about Star Wars Celebration: Day One....