Fall is almost here and with the changing of the colors on the trees, the world of geek news continues to get more robust. Chris and Casey have a TON of information to throw at you in the latest episode filled with Preying Birds, Fisk pimp suits, and a whole lot more!
We’re now available on RadioPublic, a fantastic service thats going offer our listeners the best way to access the podcast and show notes! Each time you listen to the show from their web stream or via their app gives us direct financial support every time you hear an episode.
You can also check out our other great podcasts: Gourmet Scum Radio, and the Pursuit of Plastic. If you wanna interact with us you can follow @dfatowel on Twitter and Instagram.Thanks for listening and Don’t Forget a Towel!
They say that it's a 'Pirates Life for Me' and for Chris and Casey, I guess it is. They've gone to scouring Davy Jones'...
Its been a few weeks and oh what grand adventures Chris and Casey have been on. The entirety of reality has unraveled and re-raveled...
It's that time of year! No not for presents and resolutions but to drink BLOOD and embrace VAMPIRISM! If you're ready for your skin...