Latest Episodes

212 - Powerhouse Towelite
Listen. Casey and Chris are both sick BUT they still had it in them to geek out and record a GREAT episode of Towelite...

211 - Towelite Saints
Casey and Chris are back with another informative and Geekly episode of Towelite Talk! They were reunited with a couple of their friends and...

210 - It's Been Towelite All Along
Chris and Casey's neighbor Towelite had been acting rather strange as of late. So the two decided one night to sneak into her basement...

Artist Alley - Hector Borrero 'Chronicles of Horror #2' Kickstarter
In this very special episode, Casey chats with Hector Borrero about his project currently funding on Kickstarter, Chronicles of Horror #2. Learn more about...

209 - Superb Towelite Bros
Ruben Romero joins Chris as a special co-host on Towelite Talk this week! Ruben and Casey are Kickstarting the second exciting issue of Inferi...

208 - Towelites of the Old Republic
Casey and Chris knew they would never achieve the rank of master so they decided to start a trade dispute and take over the...